Club News & Updates

Here, you’ll find the latest happenings, stories of growth, and inspiring achievements of our young gardeners. Discover upcoming events, project highlights, and insightful articles on horticulture, sustainability, and community building. It’s your one-stop destination to stay connected, informed, and inspired by the vibrant activities within our program. Don’t miss a beat – check back often for fresh updates and green inspiration

Registration is Open!

Don’t miss out on the green adventures ahead! Our registration is now open, welcoming young garden enthusiasts aged 6 to 17 to be a part of Junior Green Thumbs. Whether your child is a budding botanist or just curious about the world of horticulture, our program offers an enriching journey filled with discovery, friendship, and hands-on learning. Secure your child’s spot today and let the growing fun begin!


Jr. Green Thumbs Win First Place at the MTDF

Jr. Green Thumbs Win First Place at the MTDF

Hey there, Green Thumb enthusiasts! Gather 'round for some exciting news that's as fresh as the soil we love to dig into. Our Jr. Green Thumbs team just rocked the house (or should we say, the fairgrounds?) by snagging the First Place Ribbon at the 2023 Middle...

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Soil Safari: Unearthing Secrets with Junior Green Thumbs!

Soil Safari: Unearthing Secrets with Junior Green Thumbs!

It was a day of dirt, discovery, and delight as our Junior Green Thumbs set out on a Soil Safari in September. With curious minds and hands ready to dig in, we embarked on an exciting journey to unravel the secrets hidden beneath our feet. Becoming Soil Scientists for...

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August’s Gardening Adventure: Composting and More!

August’s Gardening Adventure: Composting and More!

August's Gardening Adventure: Composting and More! Our young gardeners were back in action on August 5th, as Junior Green Thumbs held its second class. This time, the focus was on two essential aspects of gardening: composting and fertilizing. Unearthing the Magic of...

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