Contribute to a greener future!


Empower the Next Generation:

Contribute to Junior Green Thumbs

At Junior Green Thumbs, we’re dedicated to cultivating a love for horticulture and nurturing the young minds of tomorrow. We invite you to join us in making a meaningful impact on our program. Your contribution ensures that more children can participate, learn, and grow with us.

Invest in Bright Futures: 🌱

By contributing to Junior Green Thumbs, you’re providing essential resources that empower us to expand our reach and deepen the learning experience. While we craft our lesson plans with care to minimize costs, hands-on projects like ours require materials and support. Our devoted teachers give their all to ensure each class is a success, but sustaining this impactful work is an ongoing mission.

Unlock Opportunities: 🌻

Sponsorships and donations enable us to maintain the quality of our classes, fund exciting projects, embark on field trips, and, of course, keep those young minds fueled with the snacks they adore. Partner with us to create a vibrant and enriching environment where children of all ages can learn and grow without limits.

Why Contribute? 🌿

  • Transforming Lives: Your contribution directly impacts the lives of children, offering them the chance to explore, create, and flourish.

  • Supporting Education: By investing in Junior Green Thumbs, you’re investing in hands-on education that fosters curiosity, responsibility, and a lifelong love for nature.

  • Community Building: Join our community of like-minded individuals and organizations committed to nurturing the next generation of green leaders.

Join Us on This Journey: 🌎

Together, we can make a difference. Join us in empowering young hearts and minds. Your support isn’t just an investment in our program; it’s an investment in the future. Contribute today and sow the seeds of knowledge, growth, and boundless possibilities.

How to Contribute: 🌼

Ready to make an impact? Explore our various contribution options, from sponsorships to donations. Every contribution, no matter the size, brings us one step closer to a greener, brighter future for our children.

Thank you for being part of our mission to empower the next generation. Together, we’re growing a better tomorrow. 🌟

Ways to Contribute:


  • Sponsorship: We are open to sponsorships for our club. Your name or logo will appear on print material and in sponsors section on our home page. We welcome sponsorships from companies or organizations who can contribute material or resources to our club as well. Contact us today to inquire about being a sponsor for the Jr. Green Thumbs.


  • Monitarily: We welcome donations of any value. Your contribution no matter how big or small can have a lasting impact. Monitary donations for now can either be in cash or check and can mailed to or dropped off at the UT-TSU Extension Office in Lawrenceburg, TN. 
    Checks Payable to: UT Extension – For(Memo): Junior Green Thumbs
    Address: 2385 Buffalo Rd, Lawrenceburg, TN 38464


  • Volunteer: We could always use additional teachers and volunteers, especially as our classes grow. We want an engaging atmosphere with the kids. Parents staying and helping out goes a long ways when time for projects and activities. We welcome anyone interested in getting involved to reach out to us directly. 


Jr. Green Thumbs Win First Place at the MTDF

Jr. Green Thumbs Win First Place at the MTDF

Hey there, Green Thumb enthusiasts! Gather 'round for some exciting news that's as fresh as the soil we love to dig into. Our Jr. Green Thumbs team just rocked the house (or should we say, the fairgrounds?) by snagging the First Place Ribbon at the 2023 Middle...

August’s Gardening Adventure: Composting and More!

August’s Gardening Adventure: Composting and More!

August's Gardening Adventure: Composting and More! Our young gardeners were back in action on August 5th, as Junior Green Thumbs held its second class. This time, the focus was on two essential aspects of gardening: composting and fertilizing. Unearthing the Magic of...

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We are excited to have you join us! Please fill out the form via the registration link! Once filled out you will receive our updates on classes and upcoming events.